Welcome to Our Company
Our goal is to be the best managed, organized and service minded company in our business in Ukraine.
BMU Ukraine was founded in 2007 by the group of Swedish companies, which have been operating within the sector of mechanical processing of steel ever since the year 1944.
We are the youngest in our group but definitely the one with great potential. Our location in western part of Ukraine with just 5 km to EU border is a big advantage regarding logistics and works as a window for Europe.
Today BMU Ukraine easily competes with China in advanced assembly and logistic costs. Placing orders at BMU Ukraine our customers save money for lead time and freight costs as well as company business trip savings between China and EU. And of course the labour cost is a complementary reason to be with us.
Besides our customers can place at BMU Ukraine weekly small orders instead of ordering big 40 ft. containers and wait for months the goods from China. For example, our trucks come to Sweden within 2 days.
BMU Ukraine uses 600 m2 facility at present and can extend production space up to 1500 m2. Additionally we can lease needed production site according to customer requirements.